
Monday, 6 August 2012

Annual ABC Sydney Radio KNIT IN for 2012

 Each year for ten years the ABC 702 Radio Station had organised a Knit In by one of the radio announcers her name is Angela Catterns which was called "WRAP WITH LOVE" this was the last one at their venue.  I decided I would love to go so I went with a couple of ladies from my now knitting group at our local library they knit for charities.  I did put in my blog a while ago photos of some of my squares I did for charity.  The squares go to make blankets for the people around the world who need them.  They make so many blankets knitted and crochet.  When you arrive you can be served a cup of tea by a radio announcer called Richard Glover, he only serves real tea (tea leaves) in a pot and strainer.  I like the way he dressers up to get in the mood the tea lady. (see below).

Maureen, Me and Richard
 These young students have decided to do knitting for the Duke of Edinburgh Awards, they have to pick something they normally wouldn't do.
Love the Emu
From right: Linda Mottram & Jane Hutchins
Two different ways of spinning wool

Part of the main area, there were other areas as well, about over a thousand people were there.
Geraldine Dooge and Linda Montram on live radio.

 Had to take a photo of these socks and coat.

Good to see the men participate
 This young lady looks really cold but did a great job, and the boy was there from a farm, it is all about wool for knitting. 
Of course we all know Dick Smith talking to the knitters.
good on you mate
 Angela presenting a picture to the founder of the "WRAP FOR LOVE"

The last few photos are some of the end products.
I have to say I really enjoyed the morning.

Bye for now enjoy your day

Saturday, 4 August 2012

Memories of the past

Each  morning we wake up with the radio and on Saturdays it has a segment on what is on around the place in Sydney, one of the events was the "Sydney Tram Museum" and we decided to go and have a look, we saw quite a few different trams, the original "Bondi" tram has been restored. Growing up in Sydney we use to go to the city and use the trams, I love the way people would stand on the side platform and jump off near their stop, you can't anymore OH&S.   There was also a vintage cars there as well.  After we finished visiting the Trams we went onto Kiama for lunch, Dave and I love a Vietnamese Resturant there, we recommend it to everyone going through Kiama, it is called Hanoi on Manning  I have a dish called 'Green Payapa Salad with Rice Cracker" the cracker is huge the size of the plate, it is a delicious dish.

First Bondi Tram from the early 1900's
The Tram of my time 1950's
Dave and Ian

Well perserved Mini Minor

Beautiful Kiama

A hidden little gem a swimming pool yah!
The well known "Blow Hole" not in its best form quite calm seas.

I am sure Ian from Tasmania really enjoyed the trip as he hasn't been there before.

Bye for now enjoy your day

Thursday, 2 August 2012

HAD A Whale of a Time

Hearing about the Whale being in the Pool at Newport I decided to go and have a look.  I haven't seen a dead whale before so now was my chance to get some photos.  When I arrived there were a lot of people like me having a sticky beak.  I really felt sorry for the poor whale as it was juvenille male humback, very blubbery.

Council workers wondering what to do with such a big creature, they took away the polls and chains around part of the pool so it would float out in the high tide which is did, only to return again on another part of the beach in the morning.

After I finished down on the beach I decided to go up onto the Headland above the pool to take these photos.
I went back later in the day to see if anything had changed but nothing, so I took a photo in the late afternoon sun.
 I won't be going out as the stench will be really bad as it was rather off yesterday.  On the new today they have decided to cut the whale up and take it away.

Bye for now enjoy your day