
Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Family Reunion at Bowral

This is my last new post for November and I am rushing this tonight being the last night for the month. Each year I go to a Reunion at the end of November to see my foster brothers and sisters at Bowral.  Dave and I stay Craigeburn, yes I know it is expensive but one of my sisters gets a great discount for us, she is a treasure.  About 40 turned up this year, but to our surprise one of the women who worked there when we were very little turned up this year, she is 84 year old, her name is Daphne.  She remembered me and my twin sister very well, and some new ones came this year.  Michael and Helen again use their place and we are very thankful for it.

Peppers Resort "Craigeburn"  
Shirley, Jenny, John, Daphne, Michael
Diana & Stephanie
 Ron, Dave, Patrick, Willie, James & Dane. 
 My sister Stephanie & Shirley, they might make dancers yet. ha! ha!
Jenny, Daphne and Helena
This is what we called the pavillion, the two photos are the original and in 2011 also Stephanie wow I can't believe how it has changed over the years.  The photo below of the old dunnies is amasing how it has been done up, it was really awful when we were little.

Ooops there we are Diana & Stephanie taking photos inside the loos, how posh these toilets are now.
Good to see they have kept the outside the same, must be under heritage.  Below are the gardens they are beautiful, not like that in our days, it was an orchard.
Love the lonely seat quaint!
A great reunion had by all.

Enjoy your day

A Day at Bondi-Sculpture-by-the-Sea

This is my fourth year going to see the Sculptures-by-Sea, I absolutely love how each year the sculptures are becoming more amazing.  I went with a friend Dianne who I hadn't seen for years and now we see each other quite often, our sons played soccer when they were little.  We go by public transport, I think now I have it worked out, we go by bus to Wynard, walk down to Circular Quay, bus to Bondi, have lunch first  at "Icebergs"  then to see the Sculptures, when we have finished we then walked around to Bronte Beach, have a cuppa there and right outside the cafe is the bus to Railway Square.  I pay only $2.50 but poor Dianne has to pay full fair, she is still working full time, we had a really lovely day.  The five photos below need to be looked at from the fifth one upwards, I don't know what this one is called.  I have put different ones on my blog, my neice Monique  has different ones to mine.

Yes it is a sculpture, how cute.
I hope you have enjoyed these wonderful sculptures.

Enjoy your day

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Jenolan Caves Bus Tour " Wonderful"

I managed to get a half price bus tour to the Jenolan Caves on a website called What a great deal, bus all the way through the Blue Mountains and Jenolan Caves all inclusive.  It was a lovely foggy drizzle day, just the kind of weather to have when going to the caves.  Naturally I took heaps of photos, on our way back the M4 had a six car pile up so we went via M7 and M2 easy peasy, we were then able to be dropped off at Wynard instead Star City where we started from.  Dave had a great day, not realising how good it was going to be as I said to him look you don't have to drive just relax so he did.  We arrived at Wynard and decided to have dinner so right there was the Menzies Hotel so there we went, and right outside the bus stop for home.  We managed to get a bus straight away, everything went our way all day.    The first photo below is Dave working on the Dingle, he is doing a great job, he has repainted the outside and Evan is painting the inside.  The verandah has now got a roof over it, it looks great.

Photos across from Star City while waiting for our tour bus
Below Blue Mountains' statue
 A foggy Blue Mountains
 We had tickets to on the scenic railway but decided not to go as you couldn't see anything, but I do have previous photos of the railway, I know I am cheeting but how would you be able to see it.
Photo from Blue Mountains website
Jenolan Caves Hotel where we had lunch
Dave heading into the cave

Doctor Who eat your heart out!
This is called the "The Bishop"

The exist from the caves amasing

Enjoy your day as we did.